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I am tyra, a student of Uitm Segamat. I love to sing and currently a bathroom singer. I am the type of girl who constantly laugh and addicted to cadbury blackforest chocolate. I have a crazy dream and I spent most of my time dreaming and online ( i guess ).just simply word from me, love me or leave me :D

Outline Episode 3

6/2/2013- Wednesday


Today our class at lab. Miss Zu still continue ask us to finish our outline. For those who have done the outline, Miss Zu ask to check others group outline. The group who have done is Sarah’s group and Zubaidah’s group. Ana and I still does not finish our outline. So, we asking help from Sarah because Sarah is very well in English. Fortunately, Sarah willing to help us to correct where is the sentences that might wrong. I told Ana that, no matter what happen, by hook or by crook, we need to finish our outline by tonight. Then, our class was dismissed at 6pm.

Until then,

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