My photo
I am tyra, a student of Uitm Segamat. I love to sing and currently a bathroom singer. I am the type of girl who constantly laugh and addicted to cadbury blackforest chocolate. I have a crazy dream and I spent most of my time dreaming and online ( i guess ).just simply word from me, love me or leave me :D




Computer lab today !! weeheee…  Today is the simple day whereas Miss Zu ask us to update and edit our blog with put some creativity in our blog like a picture and link that we have learn before. So, there are some use this chance to online Facebook or look mail. Same goes like me, when Miss Zu not near to me, my friend and I will log in Facebook and when Miss Zu comes near to us, we quickly close the tab. Haha its funny but that’s the sweetest memories in our life. At the same time, Miss Zu ask us to blog walking to our friend’s blog in leave some comment about their blog.

Boys’s blog –  Its full of darkness and so simple
Girls’s blog- Its full of cuteness and flower everywhere.

I think that’s for today and I hope next week our class will full with happiness .

Until then,

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